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Anti-money Laundering
We are really proud of our adherence to the UK Anti Money Laundering laws, which requires us to obtain certain information about you and your company. Every client is subject to the same checks, and this ensures our commitment to legal compliance, the accountancy profession and that the reputation of Turnerberry ltd is maintained.
What do we need?
Photo ID
One of the following:
Driving Licence

Proof of Address
One of the following:
Utility bill dated within the last 3 months (gas, electricity, water, broadband, landline telephone or satellite TV)
Council tax bill for the current tax year
Current account/Building society bank statement dated within the last 3 months
HMRC self-assessment letters or tax demand for the current financial year
Current year’s Mortgage statement issued by a recognised lender or current signed tenancy agreement.
A full photocard driving license with no less than 3 months until expiry.
After obtaining your identifying documents we will run an anti-money laundering risk assessment on the details you have provided.
Turnerberry ltd is supervised in Anti-money Laundering by the AAT and is registered with the ICO
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